Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stonehenge "rocks"

I love Sundays. I especially love this past Sunday, and I am here to tell you why...
3 Reasons...
#1 I love Sundays because...My two friends Val and Lauren decided to go to Sunday Mass at Westminster Abbey. Cool, right? They both bought the decorative hats you may have seen while watching the Royal wedding, if not here is a reminder...
 Mass is at 8 a.m., so they decide to leave quite early donning their proud hats, black dresses, and heels. They arrive, and no one seems to be attending, but it made sense considering they were an hour early. Finally, people begin flooding in. They look at one another, and observe the people around them. What they see: jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, ponytails, and fifteen attendees....oops! They ripped off their hats and sat quietly through the rest of Mass. This made for a great morning laugh!
#2 I love Sundays because...I go to Stonehenge, successfully!
 #3 I love Sundays because...My friend Lauren whips out a shimmering, flimsy headband that she bought for...are you ready...8 pounds! That's almost 16 U.S. dollars, and it is hideous....
 And that folks, is why I love Sundays.

1 comment:

  1. so i definitly thought you had to have a blog to leave comments, oops! But i love reading you entries and I love seeing how much fun you are having! Love you and can't wait to catch up in person!

    P.S. so jealous about Stonehenge!
