It's been a while, but good news, I am still alive and posting. I guess I'm supposed to recap or something.
1. So, you have now had the pleasure of meeting my tutor, Andy. Doesn't he just scream amazing? Maybe he was actually screaming "AMAZING". In that picture he was on the millennium bridge. It's beautiful, it's breathtaking. It lead us to and from the London Museum, St Paul's Cathedral, and the Tate Modern Museum. I have proof that I tagged along...
The next two are just glimpses of the Tate Modern and the Museum of London (which I loved and recommend!)
2. Next on the list although I'm out of order is Billy Elliot. The social programme that I am in, which I was unaware about for the longest time, arranged a musical night. Their choice, Billy Elliot. It was quite good, although Wicked soars high and above. If you have yet to see Wicked, STOP waiting and go enjoy it! Back to what I saw, Billy Elliot, the lead was a cute young actor with exceptional dance skills. If you're indeed interested check this out...

3. Next stop, Camden Market, again. Camden market is a cluster of stores after stores. Poor quality, high prices...sometimes. It's massive though, so one trip to Camden and you're just not satisfied. We continue to feel unsatisfied, so we continue going back! I will reveal that we are going a third time on Monday for some high quality, low priced food (I hope). Here is a little look to see what Camden is all about...Before I go picture happy, I want to admit that I cannot take credit for these photos, my friend Jessica snapped these shots
^ That's the photographer, but I'm the photographer for that slammin' shot. ;)
Beware, looks are slightly deceiving...She managed to make Camden Market look luxurious, it's not, but it is still pretty phenomenal!

Boy, I see some potential purchases (Don't worry mom and dad, I'll have self control). The only real reason for this self control is the limited space and weight in my suitcase. :)
Bye bye Camden! See you soon.
4. Harry Potter premiere, last one EVER! I was one of the 8,000 that had a red harry potter wrist band, but I gave it away to my friend Jackie. Jackie here has read all of the books, and seemed quite disappointed that she was not attending. I decided to slip the red bracelet off, and hand it over. I'm glad I did because after the premiere she reported back with a million stories and a big ol' smile. Oh, and wonderful pictures that I will share with you all later!
5. Pimms and pizza night. That was a tasty night. American pizza is so much better. Even though, the pizza shop reads "Best American Pizza". Psh, fooled me. Still, though, it satisfied my taste buds. Oh, and laundry. That was fun. Ten pound laundry. Sixteen dollars slipped from under me. I washed two loads, and searched for my dream home while waiting. Dream home still pending, but trust me, when I find it, I'll share it.
6. Don't you worry, I'm almost all caught up. Portobello Market was walked by me and my friends. Huge market, lots of fun! I should have bought a Hummingbird cupcake there. Regret #1 of the trip.
Okay, folks, I believe I have done it. I have updated you on my daily activities and adventures.
To do:
1. Harrod's Best part about Harrod's, well it is a block long and we are here for its one sale of the year!
2. Madame Tussuad's
3. Reagant park
4. Cupcakes. I'm finding cupcakes, taking a picture for memory sake, and gobbling it down!
5. Paris, next Friday.
I've now said enough. If anyone, by chance, can recommend the best London cupcakes...please do!
Enjoy the weekend :)
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