Sunday, July 3, 2011

Now, that's funny!

Boy do I have some catching up to do! Where to begin, where to begin? 
Thursday=no school. Teachers on strike. One less school day=6 more days of class. Laura is happy. What to do, what to do? I know, let's shop! Shopping it is. Shopping near class, fail. Camden market shopping, success. Definitely going back and devoting a day of shopping there! 
Thursday evening=Glee concert. Tickets are to be picked up from 3:00-7:00. 5:00=departure from the tube station to the concert arena. Do we have everything, yes. Credit card, check! Identification, check! Confirmation number for ticket pick up, check! We arrive, excited as ever, but now we have to locate the ticket pick up counter. Hm, we ask and Ifte (security guards odd name) "Uh, never heard of that...what's the postal code...oh, that is in Leichester...that is an hour tube ride away." Frightened, we respond, "WHAT, you're kidding me...but we have the confirmation number and everything!" Phew, we can go ask the nice ticket pick up place at the concert site. We did, we failed. It's 6:20 now...we are wasting time. 4 girls, 2 start sprinting towards the buses. The bus man says the bus will take too long and the tube is unlikely fast enough to get the tickets by 7:00. Oh well, we sprint, really fast! We go the wrong way, we turn around and sprint up 150 stairs (I counted). We go the right way, and have 5 stops to our next station. Panicked and hopeless now, I start freaking out. 
Boom, 5 stops up, time to transfer tubes. What do we do...we RUN! We weaved in and out of people, up and down stairs, panting, and clueless as to where the ticket pick up counter is! Now settled into the next tube, we have another 5 stops. I'm shaking now. I'm sweating now. I'm actually laughing now, but my sidekick isn't. 
3 more stops and it's 6:40...oh my oh my! Did I mention my sidekick is a division one lacrosse player and super skilled in the whole running/sprinting for a long duration. Well, she's good at that, so we do a hand off. A hand off of my i.d., confirmation number (which is one my phone), and credit card. We are at our destination, 8 minutes left. Reminder, we do not know where exactly the ticket counter is...We once again, sprint. 
This was the longest sprint of them all. We barely run up the stairs, and my friend takes OFF! I put money on her oyster card, wait, no I don't. The nice security guard saw the fear in my eyes and the sweating dripping, so I try and catch up...she's gone! Oh, I'll just call I won't. I do not have my phone, I do not have anything! All of a sudden I hear "THE GOLDEN TICKETS"! She got the tickets with one minute to spare! 
Okay, you can start laughing now! It is now 7:05 and we have until 8:00 to get back. Sure enough, we did! We rewarded ourselves with drinks and a PERFECT concert! It was well worth the long run!
It was an evening of firsts. We saw Glee for the very first time and we ran a marathon! "Now, that's funny." 

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