Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My FAVORITE of favorites.

Hi, remember me? Yes, I admit that I have been lackadaisical with posting my favorite things, but my life has been hectic. All that matters is that I am back on track, back in the swing of things! So, here it goes, my next favorite thing...
#3 John Mayer
He doesn't know it, but I love him. Maybe we will get married. Sing songs together. I'll play the piano and he will rock the strings. Ah, love at first-that will be our first song. However, he has seen me, I know it. Last summer I was blessed with 2nd row seats to his flawless Hershey concert. It was perfect. I could see his sweat and he could see my sign that read, "I like your face". He even pointed out the sign, which I was standing directly behind, so maybe he didn't see me. Maybe, that's why he didn't seek me out and make a move, darn!
Enough about "us", John is remarkable. He has raw talent. He plays the guitar like none other (except Eric Clapton). He writes beautiful lyrics. His songs make me cry, sob, smile, laugh. His voice, I admit, is not number one, but good enough. Good enough to make him my favorite male artist. He woos me and leaves me speechless. All I know is that I love everything about his music. 
So, check it out...My obvious love for John, John's sexy-ish swagger, and his ridiculous talent.

"Your Body Is A Wonderland"
Yes, he is playing his guitar flat on the ground...hotness.
"Out Of My Mind"
I LOVED the old man guitar player, his name is slipping my mind, but he totally winked at me and my friend. If we shouted his name, he'd look and smile, sometimes wave. John's saxophone player on the other hand, was super stubborn-gr, he wouldn't budge...

Johnny (pet name, but we're on that level) made me laugh and cry during the concert. I'm not emotional, but for some odd reason, I find a deep meaning or pure fascination with Johnny's talent in every song which erupts my tears a tad...I even cried when he was talking...
I could post his/my videos forever, but here is one more...just one! If you feel unsatisfied, I have more videos...just ask to see some and I would be happy to share...You know, two more...just two! Johnny makes me crazy :]
I was talking/calling my mama/singing...sorry for the distraction!
The end.

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