Thursday, May 26, 2011

F-squared, my Fourth Favorite

I opened my closet today and a light beamed down on 6 of my prized possessions, so I knew I had to blog about them. They are my guilty pleasure. I even admit that I am whipped by them. I will buy them anytime, anywhere. If they look unworn, I slap them on. If they are dirty, they are washed. If they are lonely, I buy a new pair. See, I would do anything thing for my #4 favorite...
And the winner is...Converse
I will introduce you to each pair, collectively (because they look beautiful together) and separately (because they all deserve some attention)...

I also have...Converse rainboots. Yes, they are a necessary possession. I will wear converse with anything, seriously. I have worn them with a dress. I have worn them with a skirt. I have worn them with jeans, with shorts, capris-you name it I've worn em! And before you try and get a step ahead of me, listen to this...I want to wear them on my wedding day. I think my husband should too. Now, I love to look classy and all dolled up, so this is still up for discussion. I may just resort to my bridesmaids wearing different colored converse. My favorite people wearing my favorite shoe-genius!  
What do you think about my wedding idea, too much?
What converse should I purchase next-help!?

1 comment:

  1. Yah! The star converse Haley and I got you for Christmas made it in the top favorites :) I Miss you and I love the blog

    <3 Kirsti
